Intellectual property Rights have become significant issue of discussion in last 10-15 year with the emergence of WTO agreement on intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights is an umbrella term that includes patents, copy rights, trade Marks, Design Registration, Plant Variety, Trade Secrets and geographical Indications. Research and Innovation in our country emerge both from industry as well as academic institutions. In today’s era where intellectual property Rights are globally enforceable, we need to develop a conducive environment where we can impart knowledge of patents, Copyrights, Geographical Indications and other IPRs to our young generation so they can equip to create innovations and can protect their intellectual Property Rights including their innovation and creativity. The IPR Cell provides a basic knowledge of geographical indication, IPR, patent concepts and procedure of filling the patents at national & international level. The IPR Cell also advices to researcher about trade mark, Copyrights Brand name, etc. the IPR Cell provides also a platform to share and discuss the latest development and applications with practical exposure & it helpful for local innovators including faculty members, students and research scholars.
Objective and Activities of the Cell
University IPR policy |
Administrative Set-up
Prof. Ashu Rani
Nodal Officer, University IPR Cell
Contact Details
Telephone No.: 0744-2471742
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]