Social sciences are very much present into our day to day life and have a pivotal role in the societal growth and development. If we dig out the historical evidences, we will find that social sciences have been constant part of the development of the human race. Great philosophers like Plato and Aristotle were advocates of social sciences and their philosophies are based on the objectives of social sciences only. Social sciences reveal subjective, objective, inter-subjective and structural aspects of the society. It also measures the social development of the society and emerging drawbacks too. With a thought to watch where our society has been heading what more can be done for the benefit the human race. University of Kota started Department of Social Sciences in the session 2007-2008. Under the umbrella of the department, different courses in various allied disciplines are being run Successfully. Qualified Faculties from various universities and affiliated colleges are extending their valuable support for successfully running of the courses.
Objectives & Scope of The Courses :
- The main objective is to impart knowledge about the social structures and functions as well as the relevant issues and aspects pertaining to the human society through the various techniques.
- Both theory and practical are indispensible for a scholar of social sciences, that way, our courses are sufficient to disburse the theoretical knowledge as well as the practical aspects of the society.
- A student perusing M.A. has several opportunities like to be engaged in the institute / NGO's conducting social surveys, research and dealing with demographic and Environmental studies.
- One may opt teaching as carriers in higher education.
- To prepare students for various upcoming fields viz. media and communication, journalism, TV serials/cinema, archaeology, disaster management, remote sensing, politics, etc.
- To understand, examine and develop models of development.
- To develop interdisciplinary understanding of complex factors which influence the effectiveness of planned development interventions.
- To create an understanding of participatory, sustainable people-centered public policies.
- To develop student experience in methodology and skills for development research, project planning and management.
- To understand concept of development administration, Role of development administration and institutions in India.
- To understand concept of public policy.